What Is The Best Exercise For Joint Health?

The Best Exercise For Joint Health by Bella Vista Health Center San Diego

Our joints play an important role in our mobility, flexibility, and our quality of life. Exercise is crucial for keeping our joints healthy, but unfortunately, most of us don’t pay much attention to our joints until they begin to wear down, cause pain and discomfort, or stop working correctly. The good news is that even if you already have osteoarthritis (a degenerative joint disease), exercise can decrease your pain and stiffness and improve your overall joint health. When it comes to your joints, however, not all exercise is created equal. High-impact activities that put stress on weight-bearing joints (knees, hips, ankles) can exacerbate joint problems.  So what is the best exercise for joint health? Read on to find out. 

The best exercise for joint health

If you have pain, swelling, or stiffness in your joints; or if your joints are tender or warm to the touch, it’s important that you discuss your symptoms with your doctor so you get the medical care you need. Your doctor may recommend lifestyle changes, including diet and exercise, or you may be referred to another doctor for specialized care. Whether you’re diagnosed with arthritis or not, chances are, your doctor will recommend that you exercise regularly in order to maximize your joint health. Here are some exercises that support joint health. 

1. Range of motion exercises

Range of motion exercises help to reduce stiffness and keep your joints flexible. Examples include:

  • Knee straightening stretches

  • Ankle pumps

  • Shoulder shrugs

  • Wrist extensor stretch

2. Strengthening exercises

Strengthening exercises help you build up the muscles that support and protect your joints. Examples include:

  • Mini wall squats (for hip support)

  • Standing leg lifts (for knee support)

  • Putty grip and squeeze (for hands)

  • Calf raises (for ankle support)

3. Aerobic exercises

Aerobic exercise helps increase blood circulation, providing a steady supply of nutrients and oxygen to your joints. Examples of healthy aerobic exercise for joints include:

  • Walking

  • Swimming

  • Elliptical machines

  • Stationary bicycle 

Exercise doesn’t always feel great on stiff joints, but in the long run it does support your joint health. It’s important not to overdo it or to push yourself beyond your limits, though.  The best way to ensure that you’re getting the right type of exercise, and the right amount of it, is to work with a physical therapist who can help design a customized exercise program that supports your joint health. And if you’ve recently undergone (or plan to undergo) joint replacement surgery, your commitment to physical therapy will have a significant impact on the success of your recovery. 

Post-surgery rehabilitation for knee or hip replacement at Bella Vista Health Center

Sometimes an exercise program and other lifestyle changes are not enough to eliminate joint pain. When joint replacement is called for, physical therapy is crucial for a successful recovery. If you or someone you love needs additional support in the transition from hospital to home following a hip replacement or knee replacement surgery, Bella Vista Health Center can help. We provide high quality hip and knee rehabilitation programs that aim to support the healing process and maximize functioning so patients can return home as soon as possible.

For more information on our programs and services, please give us a call at (619) 644-1000 or stop by and visit our 5-Star skilled nursing facility in Lemon Grove today.