Treatment Options for Patients with a Moderate Stroke Impairment

Every 40 seconds, someone in the United States has a stroke.  And every four minutes, someone dies of a stroke. A stroke occurs when there’s an interruption of blood flow to part of the brain. This may be caused by a blood clot or a ruptured blood vessel. Brain cells begin to die within a few minutes, making early treatment crucial for preventing long-term damage.  Not all strokes are fatal, but many do result in long-term disability.  The sooner stroke rehab begins, the higher the chances of a complete recovery. 

The effects of stroke vary from person to person, and the severity of the damage varies as well, depending on the affected region of the brain. Stroke impairments can include:

  • Paralysis on the left or right side of the body

  • Cognition problems

  • Communication problems

  • Problems with coordination

  • Loss of strength

  • Sensory disturbances

  • Behavioral and emotional problems

  • Pain

  • Depression

  • Trouble chewing or swallowing

Some stroke survivors only have one or two minor impairments, while others suffer significant, lifelong debilitations. In order to evaluate the severity of a stroke, medical professionals assess several aspects of brain function, including consciousness, vision, sensation, movement, speech, and language. Each aspect is given a point rating, and the points are added up to assign an overall rating of minor stroke impairment, moderate stroke impairment, moderate/severe stroke impairment, or severe stroke impairment. This scale, known as the NIHSS (or National Institute of Health Stroke Scale), helps to determine next steps in treatment and provides a baseline for monitoring progress as well.  

Treatment options for moderate stroke impairment 

Stroke rehabilitation is a crucial part of stroke recovery, aiding in the restoration of lost function or the adaptation of new skills. The sooner stroke rehabilitation begins, the better the chances of recovery.  Because of the numerous factors involved in stroke impairment, there is no one-size-fits-all stroke rehab program. At Bella Vista Health Center and other reputable stroke rehab centers, each patient receives a customized treatment plan designed by a team of stroke rehab specialists with the aim of helping the patient regain lost abilities and skills and restore their independence as quickly as possible. Typically, a stroke rehab treatment plan will include some combination of the following therapies:

  • Physical therapy for stroke rehabilitation

Physical therapists specialize in the restoration of physical functioning, including strength, balance, range-of-motion, and coordination. This involves exercises geared toward restoring movement and function and preventing injury. 

Occupational therapists promote patient independence by focusing on the tasks of daily living, the improvement of sensory and motor skills, and engagement in leisure activities. In some cases, occupational therapy involves new adaptive techniques or environmental modifications to help compensate for impaired functioning. 

  • Speech-language therapy for stroke rehabilitation

Speech and language therapists specialize in improved communication functioning and the treatment of swallowing disorders associated with stroke. Similar to occupational therapy, sometimes the speech-language therapist helps the survivor relearn skills, and sometimes they teach the patient new ways of communication in order to compensate for lost functioning. 

At Bella Vista Health Center, our stroke rehabilitation team is highly trained and qualified to assess the needs of every patient and create a therapeutic care plan aimed at accelerating recovery. Our comprehensive stroke rehab programs involve several hours of therapy daily, several days a week. Depending on the patient’s needs, treatment may involve additional therapeutic modalities, including nutritional therapy, recreational therapy, or vocational therapy.  Our compassionate, highly qualified, and experienced providers are devoted to helping each patient achieve optimal health and wellbeing while keeping them safe and comfortable every step of the way. 

Looking for a stroke rehab program in San Diego? Visit Bella Vista today!

At Bella Vista Health Center, we’re proud to offer top-notch stroke rehabilitation programs in our 5-star skilled nursing facility, where every member of the team is dedicated to whole patient health and wellness.  We invite you to come take a tour of our facility to see for yourself what makes Bella vista one of San Diego’s premier skilled nursing facilities. For more information about our stroke rehab program or any of our other rehabilitation services, please give us a call at (619) 644-1000 today.