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What to Expect During an Orthopedic Evaluation

If you experience chronic pain, limited range of motion, or have difficulty walking, standing or performing everyday tasks, your general practitioner may refer you to an orthopedic doctor for an evaluation. Orthopedic doctors specialize in diagnosing and treating musculoskeletal conditions, which, according to the World Health Organization, are the leading contributor to disability worldwide. 

The musculoskeletal system consists of bones, joints, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Its main purpose is to support you and help you move. Approximately 7.1 billion people worldwide suffer from some type of musculoskeletal condition, such as:

  • Osteoarthritis

  • Rheumatoid arthritis

  • Gout

  • Osteoporosis

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome

  • Low back pain

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Bone tumors

  • Runners knee

  • Muscular dystrophy

  • And so many more

Most musculoskeletal conditions are treatable, and some can even be cured if treated early enough. Orthopedic evaluations help physicians provide their patients with the most accurate diagnoses and determine the best possible treatments for their conditions. Read on for more information about what you can expect from your orthopedic evaluation. 

What to expect during an orthopedic evaluation

The end goal of an orthopedic evaluation is an accurate diagnosis and a treatment plan customized to the patient’s individual needs. To get there, however, the physician must gather as much information as possible. This information is gathered in different ways, including a discussion with you about your medical history and current symptoms, and by tests performed in the office. Here’s a brief overview of what you can expect:


Your medical history is an important part of your orthopedic evaluation. During this time, the doctor will ask about previous injuries you may have sustained and any medical conditions in your family history. The doctor will also want to know about your current symptoms. The more specific you can be about the severity and frequency, and any other details, the better. Be sure to bring a list of medications you’re currently taking (including dosage) and note any allergies you may have as well.  

Physical tests

Physical exams play a central role in any orthopedic assessment. In order to evaluate your condition, the doctor may:

  • Inspect the skin and soft tissue around the treatment area to note any swelling, visible lumps, bruising, or unusual positioning

  • Touch the area for tenderness, temperature changes, muscle bulk, and evidence of vascular trauma 

  • Perform reflex tests to assess for spinal injury or neuromuscular conditions

  • Activate your range of motion to evaluate your mobility

  • Ask you to move, walk, bend, sit, stand, or other activity to test your strength and further evaluate your condition

Imaging tests

For serious orthopedic injuries, or if your doctor suspects that a bone or joint has been damaged from a condition such as osteoarthritis, they might order imaging tests in order to see more clearly what’s happening inside your body. Common imaging tests associated with orthopedics include X-ray, MRI, and ultrasound:

  • X-ray imaging shines a small amount of electromagnetic waves through a body part to produce 2D images of your bones and joints 

  • MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) uses a strong magnetic field to create accurate 3D images of your organs, tissues, and skeletal system, allowing for a non-invasive examination of the body’s interior

  • Orthopedic ultrasound imaging uses high frequency sound waves to get a clear look at abnormalities or injuries in the musculoskeletal system, such as muscle, tendon, and ligament tears. 

By performing an orthopedic evaluation, the physician can learn more about you and your symptoms, reach an accurate diagnosis, and formulate an appropriate treatment plan. 

Orthopedic rehabilitation in San Diego | Bella Vista Health Center

Treatment for many musculoskeletal conditions involves rehabilitation. If your doctor has recommended orthopedic rehab to help relieve your pain, improve your balance and coordination, or restore your function for the tasks of everyday living, we can help. Bella Vista Health Center in San Diego offers customized orthopedic rehab treatment plans by a team of caring, competent medical professionals. Our goal is to ensure patient comfort and safety in an environment that promotes health and supports healing.